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Cedric Boeckx

Professor ICREA
Grau de Lingüística
Edifici Josep Carner, 5è pis, despatx 5.25
Assignatures que imparteix (2024-2025)
- Q1
- Interdisciplinary application of linguistic concepts, (Màster de Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge)
Research Lines
- Biolinguistics Social & Behavioural Sciences
- Cognitive Science Social & Behavioural Sciences
- Theoretical linguistics Humanities
- Boeckx, Cedric (2021), Reflections on language evolution: From minimalism to pluralism, Berlin. .
- Martin Kuhlwilm, Cedric Boeckx (2019), A catalog of single nucleotide changes distinguishing modern humans from archaic hominins, Scientific Reports 9, Article number: 8463 .
- Cedric Boeckx (2019), Elementary Syntactic Structures. Prospects of a Feature-Free Syntax.
- Cedric Boeckx (2017), 'The language-ready head: Evolutionary considerations', Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 24, 1, 194-199.
- Martins PT & Boeckx C (2016), 'What we talk about when we talk about biolinguisti, Linguistics Vanguard, vol. 2, 1.
- Cedric Boeckx (2016), 'Un-Cartesian (Bio-)linguistics?, Teorema, 34, 161-185.
- Theofanopoulou C & Boeckx C (2016), 'The central role of the thalamus in language and cognition', Boeckx C & Fujita K, ed. Advances in Biolinguistics: The human language faculty and its biological basis.
- Alamri, Saleh, E. Zhang, Constantina Theofanopoulou, Gonzalo Castillo, E. Shi, Pedro T. Martins, S. Martínez Ferreiro, and Cedric Boeckx (2015), 'Implications of subcortical structures in aphasia', Frontiers in Psychology Conference Abstract: Academy of Aphasia 53rd Annual Meeting. Tucson, USA. Vol. 81.
- C. Boeckx, M.C. Horno & J.L. Mendívil (eds.) (2012), Language from a biological point of view. Current issues in biolinguistics. Introduction to Part I Language and Cognition, Mewcastle upon Tyne.
Grups de Recerca
- Investigador principalCedrick Boeckx
Projectes de Recerca
- Investigador principalCedric BoeckxAny d'iniciAny de finalització
- Investigador principalCedric BoeckxAny d'iniciAny de finalització