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Seminari de fonologia amb Karen Jesney (Carleton University)
Data d'inici
19 juny 2023, 18:00
Data de finalització
29 juny 2023, 17:30
seminari en línia.
Els dies 19 i 29 de juny, Karen Jesney (Carleton University), membre de l'equip del projecte "La fonologia nativa i no nativa: anàlisi i creació de recursos digitals (FONONARED)" (GEVaD), impartirà dues conferències finançades pel projecte "L'adaptació fonològica i flexiva de manlleus en català i en espanyol. Creació d'un corpus digital i anàlisi mitjançant models basats en restriccions" (Beca Leonardo a Investigadores y Creadores Culturales 2021, Fundación BBVA).
Les conferències formen part del Seminari de Fonologia (UB, UAB).
19/06/2023, 18.00h
Canadian French liaison: exceptions and innovations
[Joint work with Anne-Michelle Tessier] French liaison is a well-studied process where certain word-final consonants appear just when the following word begins with a vowel – e.g., les amis [le.za.mi] vs. les bébés [le.be.be]. A small set of exceptional ‘h-aspiré’ words block liaison, despite being vowel initial – e.g., les hiboux [le.i.bu]. This talk presents results of an experiment examining the productivity and acceptability of (non-)liaison in Canadian French. We find that participants’ rates of liaison with nonce words are affected by their rates of (non-standard) liaison with real h-aspiré words and by properties of the h-aspiré sub-lexicon.
29/06/2023, 16.00h
Gradient Symbolic Representations: weighing evidence from loanword adaptation and lexical exceptions
Gradient Symbolic Representations (Smolensky & Goldrick 2016) is a model of grammar that allows underlying segments to have different degrees of representational strength. The theory has been successfully applied to a range of exceptional phonological phenomena in a variety of recent work. This talk examines what types of implicational patterns can vs. cannot be modeled in this type of framework, using data from loanwords in Canadian French and other languages.
Més informació: enllaç.